CM Sears | Queen-sized Super Powers
Fiber and performance.
Model: Ginger Ann Nelson
Photo by: Rich Earle
What if all the fuss about size is really a covert strategy to down-size women's power? Self-doubt keeps women from experiencing our truth and manifesting our best lives. Body positivity and self-acceptance are our real superpowers. It's time to cut assumptions about a size down to size!
Queen-Sized Super Powers

Artist CM Sears dives into the inspiration behind her piece “Queen Sized Super Powers.”
CM Sears | Fit to be Tied
Fiber and performance.
Model: Lisa Marie Dietz
Photo by: Rich Earle
Fit to be Tied is a piece that I created to celebrate recovery. After a lifetime of patriarchal programming, I am pushing back against the impulse to be a perfectionist, and a people-pleaser. When we strip away the traditional measurements used to silence and restrain women, we discover an authentic self. Not greater than, or less than, anyone else. Being ourselves is enough.
Fit to be Tied

Fit to be Tied

Model: Aeisha Alikhodja
Artist CM Sears dives into the inspiration behind her piece “Fit to be Tied.”
CM Sears
CM Sears, MFA, is an interdisciplinary artist, poet and writer. After working professionally as a choreographer and performance artist in Europe and New York City, she returned to the rust-belt Midwest. She earned a Master of Arts in English Language and Literature from Eastern Michigan University in 2021. Her poetry has been published by Tupelo Press' 30 x 30 Program and by Arts By the People’s program, Intonation. Her texts and performance works, have been presented at the DLEctricity Festival of Detroit, Hot Prospects in Brooklyn, Glastonbury Festival, England, and by Wonderfool Productions of Ann Arbor, MI. She lives and makes art in Ypsilanti.